Air purity is critical for many applications where there is zero tolerance of oil contamination. ELGi’s Oil free compressors work on the principle where there is no use of oil in the compression chamber and we use alternate materials like water and air to achieve the same.
ELGi’s range of oil free air compressors offer 100 per cent oil free compressed air solutions which are designed to provide zero risks of contamination with improved energy efficiency and long term reliability to meet the specific needs of a diverse range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, electronics and textiles. These industries usually cannot tolerate any chance of oil contamination in their processes.
ELGi’s oil free air compressors provide consistent oil free compressed air that meets the ISO8573-1 class 0 oil standards. The part where the air comes in direct contact with metal surface inside the compressor is coated with food-grade material, ensuring consistent oil free air without metal debris. Our pipes have special e-coating which ensures consistently clean and oil free air along with optimized rotor clearances which ensures consistent air delivery.
The oil free technology of ELGi air compressors help optimize the productivity of your operations by eliminating the energy wasted during pressure drops. Apart from reducing operating costs, our compressors are also designed for easy maintenance by providing clear access to air components.
ELGi is among the very few air compressor companies to design and manufacture oil free airends. With our in-house oil free technology, the compressors are engineered to deliver maximum uptime and reliability. ELGi’s unique eta-V rotor design reduces pressure losses and increases stage efficiencies, leading to an optimized compressed air system.
ELGi’s airend rotors and housing are coated with PTFE based food-grade PP coating to resist corrosion and endures high temperatures up to 250°C. This results in optimum long term performance with no loss in efficiency.
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