The electricity cost is one of the significant expenses for all businesses. 100% of the electrical energy is converted to heat energy during the compression process in an air compressor. This heat energy, if not used judicially, goes to waste. ELGi has developed a system where 78% of the heat generated by the air compressor can be utilized for heating water. This eliminates the necessity to go for additional equipment to heat water, thereby reducing the CO2 emission to a large extent. ELGi offers a Heat Recovery System as an additional gadget with its EG Series air compressor. The Heat Recovery System is easily plugged into the air compressor. The heat generated in the air compressor is used to warm water in showers and air in boilers.
The theoretical recoverable heat in a typical compression system is 96% of the overall electrical energy consumption. It consists of the heat dissipated in the oil cooler (78%), the aftercooler (13%), and the heat radiated from the Drive Motor (5%). The heat dissipated by the oil cooler can be used for heating water, and heat dissipated by an aftercooler and drive motor for supplemental space heating. The remaining 4% heat cannot be recovered since 2% radiates through the canopy and the other 2% vents inside the canopy.
The savings potential on fuel = (Usable energy x operating hours x heating fuel price)/(calorific value of fuel x heating efficiency)
All the energy generated in the compressed air system is converted into heat. If cooled efficiently, the heat recovery can exceed 90%.
ELGi offers its Heat Recovery System as an additional gadget with its EG Series compressor. Customers can easily plug the Heat Recovery System to the air compressor and use the heat generated in the air compressor to warm water and air for use in showers and boilers.

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