ELGi utökar sitt EQ-seriesortiment upp till 45kW
EQ 'ELGi Quest'-serien av direktdrivna skruvkompressorer ger hög tillförlitlighet i segmentet från 11 till 45kW
Waterloo, Belgien, 28 augusti 2024: ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbolag till ELGi Equip...

Cicli Adriatica förbättrar effektiviteten och produktionsflödet med ELGi’s tryckluftslösningar
ELGi’s EN-serien skruvkompressorer ger upp till 30% minskad energiförbrukning
Waterloo, Belgien, 9 juli 2024: Cicli Adriatica, en v�...

ELGi EG PM “Permanent Magnet” oljesmorda skruvkompressorer ger klassledande livscykelvärde
Bekräftar ELGi:s åtagande att leverera avancerade tryckluftslösningar för att möta den globala tillverkningsindustrins skiftande behov
Indien/Belgien, 23 maj 2024: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), en av...

ELGi introducerar nya EG Super Premium-serien av oljesmorda skruvkompressorer
ELGi utökar sin välkända EG-serie för att erbjuda kunderna branschledande energieffektivitet med låga livscykelkostnader
Indien/Belgien, 17 april 2024: ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbolag ti...

ROWI optimerar energi- och värmehantering i industriell sprängningsverksamhet med ELGi
EG-seriens kompressorer med värmeåtervinning ger energibesparingar och driftsäkerhet.
Waterloo, Belgien, 27 februari 2024: ROWI, ett ledande nederländskt företag inom metallkonservering och blästring, har ökat ene...

Dencam Composite väljer kompressorer ur ELGi EG-serien på tre produktionsorter i Danmark
ELGi EG-seriens oljesmorda kompressorer med variabelt varvtal är avgörande för produktionen av kompositverktyg för vindkraftverk
Waterloo, Belgien, 13 december 2023: LÄS MER

ELGis kompressorer i EG-serien ger energibesparingar och högkvalitativ tryckluft till Alucosur
ELGis teknik, branschledande garanti och starka engagemang för kundservice säkerställer att den spanska tillverkaren förblir trogen sitt fokus på högkvalitativa ytbehandlingar
Waterloo, Belgien, den 28 september 2023: LÄS MER

GV Stamperie minskar energiförbrukningen och eliminerar driftstopp med ELGi EG-serien
Lokal support från partner och branschledande garanti var avgörande för det italienska företagets precisionssmidda och bearbetade metallverksamhet.
Belgien – 14 september 2023: LÄS MER

ELGi introducerar Air~Alert – Smart fjärrövervakning och varningssystem för tryckluftssystem
IoT-aktiverad dataanalysteknik för att förbättra energieffektiviteten, förebygga underhåll och öka drifttiden för tryckluftssystem.
Belgien – 12 juli 2023 : ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbol...

ELGi visar upp avancerade tryckluftslösningar på Hannover Messe 2023
ELGi upprepar sitt åtagande att förse marknaden med tryckluft till låga livscykelkostnader
Tyskland/Belgien/Indien – 19 april 2023: ELGi (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), en av världens ledande tillver...

Waterford Crystal uppnår väsentliga energibesparingar med ELGi:s EG-serie
Den världsberömda tillverkaren av lyxiga kristallglasvaror från Waterford i Irland valde ELGi:s oljesmorda skruvkompressor i EG-serien för att modernisera sitt arbete med högprecisionsgravyr.
Waterloo, Belgien, 15 mars 2023:...

ELGi lanserar AR Premium-serien Energisnål cyklisk kyltork
De nya kyltorkarna från ELGi kan ersätta icke-cykliska torkar i alla tillämpningar som kräver luft av klass 4 och de erbjuder högeffektiv termisk lagringskontroll för bättre energibesparing.
Waterloo, Belgien, 1 mars 2023:...

ELGi visar upp avancerade tryckluftslösningar på Hannover Messe 2023
Omfattande portfölj av oljefria, oljesmorda kompressorer och tillbehör utformade för att återspegla ”fokus på effektivitet”
Waterloo, Belgien – 15 februari 2023: ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbolag till ELG...

Codelen moderniserar tryckluftssystem med ELGi:s EG-serie
Den nya oljesmorda skruvkompressorn från ELGis EG-serie levererar tillförlitlighet och bättre energieffektivitet vid produktionslinjen för kartong- och microflute-förpackningar i Spanien.
Waterloo, Belgien, 10 januari 2023: ...

ELGis AB-serie driver produktionen av italienskt pizza, kak och brödbakning på Polselli i Italien
Klass "0" certifierad och 100 % oljefri tryckluft försörjer dagligen produktion och förpackning av över 350 ton av 40 olika typer av mjöl, och möter företagets behov av kvalitet och tillförlitlighet.
Waterloo, Belgien, 28 september...

ELGi:s oljesmorda skruvkompressor i EG-serien driver metallmontering och målning av beslag och gångjärn för sängar
Waterloo, Belgien, 7 juni 2022: ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbolag till ELGi Equipments Limited...

ELGi introduces the ‘LD Series’ direct-drive reciprocating air compressors in Europe
New piston air compressor technology caters to all industries looking for compact air compressors with high performance, low noise, and easy maintenance.
Waterloo, Belgium – 25 May 2022: ELGi Compressors Europe, a subsi...

ELGi Introduces Two New Ranges of Air Compressors at Underhåll 2022 in Gothenburg, Sweden
Showcasing compressed air solutions suited for the Manufacturing, Metal, Food & Beverage, and Pharma industries, ELGi will premiere the LD Series of reciprocating air compressors and a new range of oil-free air compressors from 11-22kw.

ELGi introduces the ‘LD Series’ direct-drive reciprocating air compressors at BIEMH 2022, Bilbao, Spain
Exhibiting for the first time in Spain, ELGi will address the needs of the European manufacturing sectors by presenting a complete range of compressed air technologies, including the new LD Series of reciprocating air compressors.

ELGi introduces the ‘LD Series’ direct drive reciprocating air compressors at Autopromotec 2022, Bologna, Italy
At Autopromotec, ELGi will showcase its portfolio for the European automotive and manufacturing sectors offering a complete range of compressed air solutions from the oil-lubricated EG and EN Series and oil-free rotary screw air compressors AB and...

Boerschappen väljer en oljesmord skruvkompressor i ELGi EN-serien för att främja tillväxten
ELGis tryckluftslösning ger tillförlitlig tryckluft när Boerschappen utökar produktionen vid sin nya anläggning i Breda i Nederländerna.
Waterloo, Belgien, 22 mars 2022: ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbola...

ELGi Announces its Production Facility is Now ISO 22000 Certified
At CFIA 2022 in Rennes, France, ELGi will be revealing that its production facility is now ISO 22000 certified (Food Safety Management System – FSMS) confirming its plants meet the most stringent requirements of the food and beverage industry....

ELGi proud to have supported Zara Rutherford in becoming the youngest woman to solo circumnavigate the globe
The Belgian-British teenager clocked 51,000 kilometres solo, hoping to pave the way for girls and women to follow their dreams in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Waterloo, Belgium January 17th...

ELGi’s Compressed Air Powers the Future of High-Performance Sports Training
Quality compressed air powers hypoxic systems used to simulate altitude changes and enhance athletic endurance for French Rugby Teams.
Waterloo, Belgium/Coimbatore, India 18th of January, 2022: ELGi Compres...

ELGi Expands its innovative AB Series Oil-Free Screw Air Compressors
The new AB11-22 range meets the need for contaminant free air for small to medium sized Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical and sensitive industry operations
Waterloo, Belgium, 29th of November 2021: ELGi Compressors Europe,...

Leading brake pad manufacturer reduces energy consumption with game-changing compressed air solution from ELGi
A 600kW turnkey solution comprising large EG-series air compressors, air dryers and oil-water-separators ensures reliable and efficient production, reduced energy consumption and lower maintenance costs
Waterloo, Belgium, 28 Sept...

Pintura Industrial Reus S.A. relies on ELGi to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions
Compressed air system upgrade helps Pintura Industrial Reus S.A. (PIRSA) increase productivity and deliver a 40% decrease in electricity spends
Waterloo, Belgium, August 26th, 2021: ELGi Compressors Europe, a ...

SOLÖ Mechanical är på väg att uppnå betydande energibesparingar med en skruvluftkompressor i ELGi:s EG-serie
SOLÖ Mechanical valde kompressorn EG37 VFD för att förbättra effektiviteten vid deras fabrik i Eskilstuna, i Sverige
Waterloo, Belgien, 28:e juli 2021: ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbolag till ELGi Equipments Li...

ELGi to showcase expanded portfolio of disrupted oil-free compressed air solutions at CFIA 2021 in Rennes, France
Reliable, Class ‘0’ certified, oil-free compressed air from 11kW to 450kW provides energy efficient, high quality air for the food and beverage industry
Waterloo, Belgium 2 June, 2021: ELGi Compresso...

ELGi partners with the Italian Red Cross to maintain critical COVID-19 response vehicles
The EN Series compressed air station ensures reliability and ease-of-maintenance for the Red Cross logistics fleet supporting the Greater Turin area
Waterloo, Belgium, 13 April, 2021: ELGi Compressors Europe, a subsidiar...

Fasolex relies on an ELGi turnkey compressed air solution for their new bean-sorting line
The ELGi EG18 VFD and EG 22 compressors power the bean sorting line delivering reliable, uninterrupted, compressed air at low life cycle costs
Waterloo, Belgium, 11 March 2020: ELGi Compressors Europe, a subsidiary of EL...

ELGi’s AB Series Delivers High-Quality Compressed Air at Château Ollieux Romanis, a Leading Organic Winery in France
Certified Class '0', 100% oil-free compressed air supports the sustainable production of over 800,000 bottles of premium organic wine in the Languedoc region at a low lifecycle cost
Waterloo, Belgium/Coimbatore, India 12th Januar...

ELGi Launches Game Changing Warranty Programme
Committed to ensuring zero downtime and maximum efficiency for every customer
Waterloo, Belgium, 27 November 2020: ELGi Compressors Europe, a subsidiary of ELGi Equipments Limited, one of the world’s leading air compr...

ELGis EG-serie driver verksamhetskritisk drift dygnet runt hos en av världens ledande tillverkare av precisionsverktyg
Granlund Tools AB förlitar sig på en kompressor från ELGis EG-serie för energieffektiv tryckluft vid sin anläggning i Eskilstuna i Sverige
Waterloo, Belgien, XX oktober 2020: ELGi Compressors Europe, ett dotterbola...

ELGi to showcase revolutionary oil-free compressed air portfolio at CFIA 2020 in Rennes, France
Reliable, Class ‘0’ certified, oil-free compressed air ensures lower production costs for the food and beverage industry
Waterloo, Belgium 15th September, 2020:
ELGi Compressors Europe, a subsidiary of ELGi Equip...

ELGi Compressors Deliver Energy Efficiency Gains to Rubber Resources’ Manufacturing Processes in The Netherlands
Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Operational Simplicity result in lower total lifecycle cost while future-proofing operations against stringent energy efficiency regulations.
Waterloo, Belgium/Coimbatore, India 16th June, 2020...

ELGi North America expands business into the Portable Compressed Air Market
CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ELGi North America, a subsidiary of ELGi Equipments Limited, a global supplier of compressed air solutions, will, as part of its continued expansion in the compressed air industry, distribute the R...

ELGi Compressors Expands Pan-European Footprint
European leadership team, expanded sales and service organisation and broad product portfolio reshapes the European compressed air industry
Waterloo, Belgium March, 2020: ELGi Compressors Europe, a subsidiary of ELGi Equipments Limited, ...

ELGi Compressors to Introduce a Disruption in Oil Free Compressed Air Technology at Underhall 2020
Reinforces commitment to reducing compressed air energy costs and CO2 emissions for a greener environment
Waterloo, Belgium January 8th, 2020: Elgi Compressors Europe, a subsidiary of Elgi Equipments Limited, one of the world’s leading...

Elgi Equipments launches Oil Free Piston Compressors at the 13th International Railway Equipment Exhibition
Reiterates commitment to driving reliability and performance for electric and diesel railway applications
New Delhi, Oct 22nd, 2019: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers...

ELGi’s AB ‘Always Better’ Oil Free Series wins the 2019 CII Design Excellence Award
The AB ‘Always Better’ Oil free screw compressors redefine reliability, efficiency and contamination free (class zero) air for compressed air customers, globally
Coimbatore, India October 15th, 2019: Elgi Equipments...

The ELGi #Whatsyourfinishline challenge unites thousands globally
Coimbatore, India and Charlotte/USA October 05, 2019: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers recently launched the #whatsyourfinishline challenge in a bid to promote...

ELGi, a world leader in compressed air solutions wins the coveted 2019 Deming Prize for excellence in Total Quality Management
Coimbatore, India October 1st, 2019: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s lead...

ELGi celebrates the opening of its new headquarters in Europe
Reflects on 60 years of growth and achievement across the world
Waterloo, Belgium, Coimbatore, India September 26th, 2019: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, with 2 mi...

Elgi Equipments subsidiary Pattons opens a new office in Los Angeles, California
The 8th branch office will strengthen customer centric-service and address the West Coast compressed air market requirements
Coimbatore, India, August 21 st 2019 – Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of t...

ELGi Oil Free air compressors ensure high reliability, ease of maintenance and a lower lifecycle value at PROPACK ASIA 2019
Elgi Equipments, one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, with 2 million installations across 100 countries, showcased its oil free screw air compressors at Hall No. 104, Stand no BV 19 at Propack Asia 2019, BITEC, Bangkok, Thail...

ELGi Equipment’s AB ‘Always Better’ series guarantees 100% oil free air at PharmaLytica 2019
World’s smallest air compressor ensures high ReliABility, ease of maintenance and a lower lifecycle value
Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, with 2 million installa...

Elgi Equipments reiterates commitment to boosting energy efficiency and sustainability for every customer across the world
Coimbatore, India, June 6th, 2019: ELGi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP) one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, with over 2 million installations across 100 countries, reaffirmed its commitment to building customer centr...

Elgi Equipments Limited – Results for the Financial Year 2018-19
Elgi Equipments Ltd, manufacturer of air compressors, announced today the results for the financial year 2018-19 posting a PAT of Rs. 103.06 Crores, compared to Rs. 95.30 Crores in 2017-18 on a consolidated basis.
Consolidated sales for ...

Elgi Equipments participates in the India International Dairy Expo (IIDE) 2019
Mumbai, April 8th, 2019: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, recently participated at the India International Dairy Expo 2019, from April 3rd to the 5th 2019 at ...

ELGi Redefines the Future of Compressed Air Technology at ComVac Hannover Messe 2019
- Reiterates plans to step up investments and expand footprint in the European region
- Launches the AB ‘Always Better’ Oil Free Series. Always Reliable. Always Efficient. Always Contamination Free (Class Zer...

ELGi Launches its Direct Drive Reciprocating Air Compressor
Coimbatore, February 19, 2019: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, launched its Direct Drive Reciprocating air-compressor.
Reciprocating compressors h...

Elgi Unveils Enhanced, Energy Efficient Encapsulated Air Compressor Range
New Delhi, February 2019: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, launched its new range of compact, encapsulated air-compressor models with energy saving Variable F...

ELGi Equipments to Launch Energy Efficient Air-Compressor Models for Highly Productive Granite and Marble Mining Operations
Jaipur, Rajasthan, January 30th, 2019: ELGi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, will participate in the 10th edition of India Stone Mart 2019, in Jaipur, Rajasthan. ELGi will not only...

ELGi launches ‘State of the Future Art’, a signature initiative to drive futuristic technology and nurture innovation
ELGi’s Global Technology Centre celebrates the first edition of Technology Day 2018
Coimbatore, India, December 15, 2018: ELGi Equipments, (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), today welcomed over 200 employees, students and industry represen...

ELGi’s Oil free, fuel-efficient compressed air powers the pharmaceutical industry
Exhibits state-of-the art air compressor range at the 9th edition of Pharmac India 2018
Ahmedabad, India October 24th, 2018: Elgi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers will dis...

The #ELGi100KMCHALLENGE marks ELGi’s presence in over 100 countries worldwide
ELGi employees demonstrate why "together works best" at the 6th edition of the Coimbatore Marathon
Coimbatore, October 6th, 2018: ELGi Equipments, one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers powered the 6th edition of the C...

ELGi launches oil free air compressor range
Reiterates commitment to enabling energy efficiency and meeting high purity air demands
Chicago, USA, Coimbatore, India October 9th, 2018: ELGi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of India’s leading air-compre...

Elgi Equipments acquires Pulford Air & Gas; makes a strategic entry into the Australian market
Coimbatore, India, July 31st, 2018: ELGi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of India’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, today announced its 100% acquisition of F.R.Pulford & Son Pty Limited , doing business as Pul...

ELGi’s hosts an Interactive session on Compressed Air Systems in Neemrana Industrial Area
Air audit program helps reduce average compressed air energy costs upto 43%
Neemrana, Rajasthan 2018: Elgi Equipments Limited (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air compressor manufacturers, yeste...

ELGi’s Interactive session on Compressed Air Systems with its Rice and Dal customers
Air audit program helps reduce average compressed air energy costs upto 43%
Kolkata, West Bengal, 2018: Elgi Equipments Limited (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air compressor manufacturers, yes...

ELGi Equipments highlights high productivity & efficient portable air compressors Showcases its new trolley mounted diesel powered compressor PG 550-200
Bangalore, 12th December 2017: ELGi Equipments – India’s leading air compressor manufacturer in India showcases its new trolley mounted diesel powered compressor PG 550–200 at EXCON 2017. This high productivity model comes with a pre-filter ...

ELGi’s innovative campaign #ConquerK2 hits the target of 28251 miles at the Coimbatore Marathon
Coimbatore, 10th October 2017: Leading compressed air solutions company, ELGi designed an inventive HR campaign to promote physical fitness and encourage participation in Coimbatore Marathon 2017. Held on October 1, Coimbatore Marathon is an annua...

“Air Alert” – ELGi’s Industry 4.0 initiative for data driven customer service & product improvement
Chennai, September 13th, 2017: ELGi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, today showcased “Air Alert” its Industry 4.0 initiative. Air Alert is a SIM card based communication system...

ELGi launches it’s first-ever silent portable compressor at Rig Expo 2017, Tiruchengode
Caters to the water-well segment
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 16th August 2017: ELGi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the India’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, launched its silent version of Portable ...

ELGi Equipments aspires to become world No 2 in Global Air Compressor market
Chennai, June 7th, 2017: ELGi Equipments (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of India’s leading air-compressor manufacturers, today announced their plans to become World No.2 in the Global market by 2027. The company, also unveile...

ELGi’s Interactive session on Compressed Air Systems with the Textile Customers
Air audit program helps reduce average compressed air energy costs upto 43%
Coimbatore, March 8th, 2017: Elgi Equipments Limited (BSE: 522074 NSE: ELGIEQUIP), one of the world’s leading air compressor manufacturers, today held its inte...